General Settings

General Settings are common for all chartings, they affect visibility, snapping, and synchronization of chart elements.

To customize general settings:

1. Make sure the Chart Settings window is open. For more information on accessing this window, see Preparation Steps.

2. Select the General tab.

3. Select the Show orders checkbox to make available orders visible on the chart.

4. Use the Positions dropdown to display position "pills". Green "pills" represent long positions, while red "pills" represent short positions. Note that the information displayed on the “pill” varies depending on the chart width. 

  • Do not show. Enabled by default, does not display position “pills”.
  • Show for underlying only. Display size and average price as “pills” for underlying positions.
  • Show for options only. Display size, strike price, and C/P (Call/Put) type as “pills” for option positions. 
  • Show all. Display “pills” for both underlying and option positions.

Click a “pill” to view a table with position details: symbol, type, quantity, price, current mark price, P/L Open, P/L %, and BP Effect. This table also allows you to add custom notes to your positions.

5. Customize alert visibility in the Alerts dropdown list:

  • Show alerts. Display all alerts at corresponding price levels with description bubbles.
  • Show arrows only. Display arrows marking the alerts at the corresponding price levels and hide their descriptions.
  • Do not show. Hide all the alerts on the chart.

6. Select Show studies to display study plots on the subgraphs. If this option is not selected, studies and lower studies’ subgraphs will not be visible. Enable Highlight studies on hover to highlight studies on mouse over.

7. Customize other visibility options in the Display area:

  • Show high/low bubbles. Display the highest and the lowest prices of the entire price plot in bubbles.
  • Show last price bubble. Display the last price value in a bubble on the price axis.
  • Extend order/alert line to the left. Display price levels of working orders and alerts as horizontal lines across the subgraph. This option might be useful when placing orders and alerts assessing historical data.
  • Show Symbol Logo. Display the logo of the current instrument (if available) in the upper left corner of the chart.
  • Show trades. Display trade history on the chart. Trades will be displayed as "pills" next to the corresponding chart bars: buy-side trades below and sell-side trades above. If there are multiple trades of the same side for the same bar, the "pill" will be stacked. Stacked "pills" display the total trade size and average execution size. Click on a stacked "pill" to view the data for each trade in it.

8. Select the snapping type for the drawings from the Snap drawings to dropdown list. You can turn on snap to bind drawing key points to specific points of the price plot.

  • OHLC. Snap drawing key points to the closest price point of the bar: Open, High, Low, or Close. Key points placed close to one of the price points will be moved precisely to it.
  • Bar center. Snap drawing key points to the bar’s center line. Key points cannot be placed between the bars; they will snap to the nearest bar line instead.
  • Tick. Snap drawing key points to the nearest tick.

9. Customize synchronization options in the Synchronize area:

  • Select Crosshairs position to be able to move crosshairs simultaneously across all opened charts. Each new chart instance will display the crosshairs in the same position as the other charts. Note that this option will also add a separate Data Box to each chart in the grid if you choose the Floating mode for the Data Box.
  • Select Notify me of unsaved drawings to be notified of drawings on the chart that will be lost if not saved.

10. Select the time zone from the Time Zone dropdown list to set it for all charts. Note that changes in chart time zone do not impact orders and alerts that have timed conditions within Order Rules and Alert Rules windows, as these are based off your local time.

11. Select Show price subgraph to make the main subgraph visible; otherwise, it will be removed from the chart. Note that you can only disable this option if any other subgraph is shown.

12. Select Overlap volume to display the volume histogram on the upper subgraph. Note that the price axis will still display the price, not the volume.

13. Select the desired Data Box mode from the dropdown menu:

  • Fixed. Select this option to display Data Box values as a separate element.
  • Floating. Select this option to have Data Box values follow the cursor.
  • Off. Select this option to disable Data Box values.

You can also turn off the status string, which shows the same values as the Data Box. To do so, select Autohide status string.

14. Select the desired My Tools mode from the dropdown menu:

  • On each chart. Add the toolbar to each chart in the grid. 
  • Single panel. Add a common toolbar for the whole grid as a separate element.  
  • Off. Disable My Tools.
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