AddVerticalLine ( boolean visible , Any text , CustomColor color , int stroke );
Default values:
text: ""
color: Color.RED
stroke: Curve.SHORT_DASH
Adds a vertical line with specified text.
Input parameters
Parameter | Default value | Description |
visible | - | Defines condition upon which the line is displayed. |
text | " " | Defines text to be displayed next to the line. |
color | Color.RED | Defines color of the line. |
stroke | Curve.SHORT_DASH | Defines style of the line. Any of the Curve constants can be used for this parameter. |
input period = {WEEK, default MONTH};
AddVerticalLine((period == period.WEEK and GetWeek() <> GetWeek()[1]) or (period == period.MONTH and GetMonth() <> GetMonth()[1]), "", Color.ORANGE, curve.SHORT_DASH);
The code draws orange short-dashed vertical lines with a defined frequency.